Activation Crystal Right
This crystal has an extra inclined facet located to the right of the main face of the crystal (looks like a parallelogram). These crystals are used to activate the left hemisphere of the brain. Attributes include logic, intellect, and action-orientation.
Self Healed Area
That crooked line is where it had broken at some point but 2 crystal points, one large, one smaller, have grown over that area.
Aesthetic clear quartz crystal cluster in 5.5 inch crystal group with incredible inclusions as well as distinct record keeper striations. This skyward pointing cluster is so clear but with a wonderful array of different inclusions which you can see in the close up photos. Inside the crystals are various triangular shapes, wispy clouds and what I describe as "waterfalls". Beautiful areas of "rainbows" surprise and calm the spirit when looking into them. Gazing into these crystals can be quite a rich experience, and this piece offers so much to see!
Makes a lovely display also, however this piece has a "table" where a large crystal piece or point looks to have been and broken off at one time. One can put items on top of this flat area and they stay put nicely if small enough even though there is an upward slant to that area. This space can be used to meditate with, especially by setting a photo or personal item of the person you are sending positive thoughts to. I put a black hematite on that place in a photo as an example
This item is one of a kind and you will receive the EXACT piece pictured. Macro photography is used to show detail but can make items appear larger than their actual size. Gems and crystals are great for everyone! Whether for home decorating, terrariums, pocket stones, gifts, collecting and more! They are also wonderful additions to meditation, reiki and chakra work. Healing crystals are not a replacement for traditional medical treatment.
5.5" standing top to bottom using a soft tape to go over the "table" area
3" across at the table area. Straight across and diagonally as well
Weighs 15.75 oz almost 1 lb or 446 grams