Hi! I am Ellen Eaton and vintage jewelry is a passion of mine!
So addicting is the endless treasure hunt for wonderful vintage pieces with the exciting variety of materials that were used to create them. The endless number pf delightful, fun, even zany pieces, as well as the breathtakingly beautiful ones, keeps one wanting more and more! One can never lose interest as a collector in such a diverse field.
I search for the most collectible pieces but also uncommon, unique and unusual, even weird pieces to offer my customers here. With knowledge gleaned from Over 25 years...(Yikes...that's a long long time, lol), I absolutely know a lot lot, lot, lot, about vintage costume jewelry! But not so much that I am not constantly learning too! When buying, you can be confident that you are getting accurate information about the item you are looking at. Hours and hours of research go into this as new information on vintage jewelry pieces, designers, collections is added regularly. Gotta keep up, lol!
I have given talks, given seminars, also was hired as an expert in this field by other companies. I was a buyer and evaluated vintage costume jewelry for them, advising what to purchase as well as what to sell an item for. I worked for years collecting my own pieces. I have sold at many major antique shows across the eastern United States as well as in the southwest where I am from originally.
I also showcase my own designs created from vintage pieces. They carry my Ellen originals tags and cartouches . I also showcase other designers that have wonderful talent and similar passion. If you are a designer who uses vintage components in your jewelry please email or text me and I will add your jewelry to this site too!
You may access information about many jewelry items by browsing through the "Archives" category. There are quite a few sub-categories so please use that as a tool for your own information. It's fun!
I am also a rock hound with a hopeless addiction to gem and mineral specimens. Being from Tucson, Arizona helped my obsession with rocks along. Tucson holds the biggest gem and mineral show in the world! There is a massive amount of vintage and antique jewelry to purchase there also. Both fine and costume jewelry! Amazing experience! Though I keep most of the very rare pieces, I do offer a nice array of unusual rocks along with the more well known crystals and gemstone items. If you are a collector be sure to check out the rock gemstone categories while browsing here.